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Sois creatif! Be creative! 

The advertising compaign of the french design bureau «LUNA GALO». The set of posters.


Art Direction, Print





Sois creatif

set of posters

Red&black triptych, decorative panels for an interior of a design bureau  Each posters has own slogan and description under common theme "Be creative!"



Rien de mieux parfois que de simplement casser des modèles, effacer certains stéréotypes et déchirer les chaînes. Laissez-les sortir de tout le reste .... hé, je vous salue, l'espace pur sans cadres ni normes! Nothing better sometimes than just to break patterns, erase some stereotypes and tear chains. Let they get out to the anything else....hey, I greet you, the pure space without any frames and standards! 


par tout!

Laissez-vous inspirer par des choses simples comme la surface azur de la mer, les rayons du soleil, qui pénètrent dans les toits en treillis de la terrasse, suspendus à des citrons brillants qui brillent comme des ampoules de 200 watts,  un chaise confortable et douce et un vent de mer léger et frais qui caresse le visage et joue avec les cheveux. Get inspired by simple things the azure calm surface of the sea, the rays of the sun, that penetrate the latticed roofs of the terrace, hanging bright lemons that shine like 200-watt light bulbs, arguing with a black and white upholstery of a cozy, soft chair - which of them is more contrasting, and the most desirable thing is light, fresh sea wind that caress the face and play with the hair.


les chances

How many possibilities does providence gives to us, a lot or much more? 
Do we use these chances us or continue to knock in closed doors? 
Some of us have already the level of experts in a such case. May be it s time 
to throw away excessive expectations, feel the easiness of perception, 
soar up and see at the whole picture. After all, perchance we can see huge 
quantity of doors are ajar for us.

Sois creatif

outdoor and POSM

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